eBay makes a serious effort to make sure the Chanel handbags sold
at a discount online are authentic. I believe, as much as they may try,
not all the handbags sold on eBay are authentic.
One route you can take to make sure you get an authentic vintage or even newer Chanel bags on eBay is to ask the seller a lot of questions. Where did they get the bag? How long have they had the bag? Will they send additional photographs? Do they offer a written guarantee of authenticity? Not a certificate of authenticity, that can be faked too, but a written money back guarantee.
I have to tell you the old story even though you already know, if it is too good to be true it probably is, if it is too cheap to believe it is probably fake.
Some of the fake bags sold online are done very well. The have the hologram with the serial number on the bag and the serial number on the card that comes with the bag and they even match. They have the original looking cloth protective sack and the printed brochure, yet this to is counterfeit.
An honest eBay seller has gone to some lengths of time and expense to build their good reputation. This reputation is valuable to them. An honest seller has nothing to hide so will gladly provide answers to your questions. When you get answers that are vague this should raise warning signs.
Ultimately your risk in buying discounted vintage Chanel purses is low if you are careful and do your homework before buying. When you pay always use a credit card through pay pal so you have 2 additional ways to dispute your purchase and get your money back if a piece of fake does get past your diligence.
One great things about Chanel is how they come out with some new bags every season. It is very possible to get your own beautiful bag or purse and never in your life see anyone carrying the exact same bag.
Whether you seek a jumbo lambskin shopping tote, a pink quilted clutch, a classic 255 flap bag, or a python tassel shoulder bag you will likely find it at a nicely discounted price on eBay.
Coco Chanel is known, nearly above all, as a designer of timeless style with truly understated elegance. As a result your Chanel handbag will be beautiful now and probably forever.
Good luck and happy hunting for discounted vintage Chanel handbags on eBay.
One route you can take to make sure you get an authentic vintage or even newer Chanel bags on eBay is to ask the seller a lot of questions. Where did they get the bag? How long have they had the bag? Will they send additional photographs? Do they offer a written guarantee of authenticity? Not a certificate of authenticity, that can be faked too, but a written money back guarantee.
I have to tell you the old story even though you already know, if it is too good to be true it probably is, if it is too cheap to believe it is probably fake.
Some of the fake bags sold online are done very well. The have the hologram with the serial number on the bag and the serial number on the card that comes with the bag and they even match. They have the original looking cloth protective sack and the printed brochure, yet this to is counterfeit.
An honest eBay seller has gone to some lengths of time and expense to build their good reputation. This reputation is valuable to them. An honest seller has nothing to hide so will gladly provide answers to your questions. When you get answers that are vague this should raise warning signs.
Ultimately your risk in buying discounted vintage Chanel purses is low if you are careful and do your homework before buying. When you pay always use a credit card through pay pal so you have 2 additional ways to dispute your purchase and get your money back if a piece of fake does get past your diligence.
One great things about Chanel is how they come out with some new bags every season. It is very possible to get your own beautiful bag or purse and never in your life see anyone carrying the exact same bag.
Whether you seek a jumbo lambskin shopping tote, a pink quilted clutch, a classic 255 flap bag, or a python tassel shoulder bag you will likely find it at a nicely discounted price on eBay.
Coco Chanel is known, nearly above all, as a designer of timeless style with truly understated elegance. As a result your Chanel handbag will be beautiful now and probably forever.
Good luck and happy hunting for discounted vintage Chanel handbags on eBay.
Ashley Cooper hopes you will enjoy this Vintage Chanel Handbag site and recommends you also see How To Spot A Fake Chanel Handbag
Shop for a Beautiful Chanel Classic Handbag Click Here
Shop for a Beautiful Chanel Classic Handbag Click Here
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